Improving the health of adults over 50, through physical activity
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Physical Activity Prescription

How to prescribe a well-rounded physical activity program

Components should be individualized and specifically outlined in written form. Emphasize that these are GOALS to attain, and that it's appropriate to progress slowly. A well-rounded physical activity program includes cardiorespiratory, flexibility, strengthening, and balance activities.

For example, The First Step to ACTIVE HEALTH® program provides a simple 4-step routine to increasing physical activity by addressing each of these areas. These exercises are provided for each step to improve specific functional tasks among older adults. As patients progress in steps, they modify the previous steps to progress toward a well-rounded program. Some patients may start and progress quickly through the steps; others may only be able to do one or two steps. While it's ideal to be able to complete each of these components on a weekly basis, simply doing any type of physical activity is better than none for the sedentary older adult. The First Step to Active HealthT Patient Pack contains detailed exercise and program instructions for patients to begin a program.

Based on the American College of Sports Medicine (2000), a well-rounded physical activity program for older adults includes:
  • Moderate cardiorespiratory activities for a goal of 30 minutes at least 4 days per week
  • Strengthening activities at least 2 days per week
  • Warm-up & cool down with each workout
  • Incorporating balance activities into daily activities

    Remember, this is a behavioral change with many factors to consider. While the ACSM recommendations are ideal, any level of physical activity is beneficial for virtually every patient.

    It is critical NOT to overwhelm patients with physical activity. The following is an example of a well-rounded daily activity program:

    Monday Cardiorespiratory activities 10-30 minutes (walk/jog, bike, swim) & flexibility activities.
    Tuesday Strengthening & balance activities.
    Wednesday Cardiorespiratory activities 10-30 minutes and flexibility activities.
    Thursday Strengthening & balance activities.
    Friday Cardiorespiratory activities 10-30 minutes and flexibility activities.
    Saturday Strengthening & balance activities.
    Sunday Gardening, walk in park or mall, or other recreational activity with friends and family for 10-30 minutes.

    How to modify programs for specific subgroups.

    Return to the Activity Prescription page.